Starfire is actually Princess Koriand'r of the planet Tamaran in the Vega system, and was in line to rule the planet as queen. ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) ( August 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective and add more content related to non-recent events. This article or section appears to be slanted towards recent events. That I took to the ninth degree and gave her the Mighty Mouse contrail. When Joe Orlando passed by and saw the character sketches he suggested that maybe her hair should be longer. I figured based on the description, was Red Sonja in outer space, so she ended up having a visual cue from that. Artist George Pérez, in explaining the creation of the character, stated: The design of the character (Koriand'r) incorporated aspects of many existing characters.
Koriand'r made her live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Anna Diop. Starfire has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films, including as a member of the Teen Titans in Cartoon Network's eponymous series, voiced by Hynden Walch. In 2013, Starfire placed 21st on IGN's "Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics." The name "Starfire" first appeared as an unrelated spacecraft in the story "The Answer Man of Space," in Mystery in Space #73 (February 1962) written by Gardner Fox. She debuted in a preview story inserted within DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980) and was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez. Starfire ( Koriand'r) is a superheroine appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Stellar nova (explosive release of all stored UV energy).Ultraviolet energy manipulation, absorption, and projection.Advanced martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant.Language and voice mimicry via lip contact.Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, longevity, and vision.In the comics, it is green while the show reveals it to be blue. The only difference between the comic book Starfire and the show’s Starfire is the color of the energy Starfire produces from her body. Tamaraneans are known to manipulate ultraviolet energy in immeasurable ways, which even allows them to travel at near lightspeeds in deep space.

This may mean Titans’ Starfire will have a more comic-accurate power-set. Kory claims her new powers after losing the power of fire in the show must have been there all along. She does absorb ultraviolet radiation but releases it in the form of green energy bolts. That ability solely belongs to her sister Blackfire. In the comic books, Starfire never does possess the power of fire. She even gains access to prophetic visions and can levitate. Even after losing her power of fire, Starfire still has her superhuman Tamaran physiology as well as the ability to generate bolts of blue light. She could even use it to create a defensive forcefield. The power of fire she previously had allowed her to absorb ultraviolet radiation and use it for energy blasts. Starfire’s Powers – How They Are Different In The Show Than In The Comics Starfire PowersĪs she is a Tamaranean, Starfire possesses a regenerative healing factor, super strength, and a host of energy manipulation abilities. When Starfire was healing Blackfire in Titans season 3 episode 10, the latter merely absorbed back the power that originally belonged to her. To ensure the Tamaran public never comes to know about this deception, he hired a soothsayer and transferred Blackfire’s power of fire into Starfire. And unlike Starfire, she did possess the power of fire. Blackfire – Titansīlackfire was the second-born. But her father, to appease the masses and save the royal bloodline, lied to his subjects. To become the ruler, one must possess the power of fire. There were many challengers to the throne. Starfire was born during a time of civil unrest in Tamaran.

Starfire’s New Origin Story Starfire – The Retcon That Changes EverythingĪs revealed in season 3, the origin story of Starfire’s powers and her relationship and rivalry with Blackfire is a bit more complicated than we imagined. But then Kory reveals she has another set of powers that were unknown to the team. In Titans Season 3 Episode 10, Starfire loses all her powers when Blackfire absorbs them while being healed by her sister.